Al Carraway fox, More than the Tattooed Mormon Girl

Several months ago I agreed to blog about Al fox Carraway’s new book. I must say I was really looking forward to reading this book and blogging about it. I had set up everything for the day that was given to me to be part of this blog tour. I must also say that the book is AWESOME!!! But unfortunately I missed that date mark. But, here it is, my personal opinion on the book and what stood out the most to me.


Al’s bio is  read in such a conversational matter. I feel that is a nice lengthy conversation with a sister telling me her cool conversion story. She does a great job in placing investigators eyes in your head and making you feel what she felt and how she saw and sees things. Her story has left a “mark” (pun intended, please feel free to smile, or laugh hysterically… but not too much) on me.

Her story is more than a conversion story, it is a comfort guide for any convert to the Church, faith and even long-time members of the church. Al speaks about struggles, conversion, experience with friends and the before and after baptism.

Look, she brings a very unique perspective in which I feel the world should listen too because her background, who she was and who she is now the world needs to know. It is an ice breaker to al stereotypes of what Mormons are or, even what they should look like.

Her story reminds me of my wife in many ways. They are both convert and love the Book of Mormon, they were both found by missionaries in their apartment. They both got criticized by how they look. They are both great examples to women  and even the word change which can be re-phrase, “the Atonement of Jesus Christ heals”.

My favorite part is really her early years and the time she and her husband began dating, frankly is just because he treated her the way I treated my wife, full on devotion. She speaks a lot about the temple in which case as my Mission President taught, ” An investigator stops investigating the church when they enter the Temple.

Buy the book at Deseret books, Amazon, Cedar Fort, seagull book.

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